Mr. Adel Hamad Al Qulish, MENAFATF Executive Secretary and Dr. Muhammad Baasiri, Vice- Governor of Central Bank of Lebanon and Mr. Nadim Kyriakos, Senior Counsel, Financial Integrity Group in IMF, have inaugurated the Joint MENAFATF/IMF Workshop which was held on 22 - 26 February 2010 for the Jurisdictions Undergoing a Mutual Evaluation/Assessment..
The aim of this workshop is to prepare countries to be subject to the Mutual Evaluation during 2010 - 2011 (Oman, Kuwait, Sudan and Libyan). The participants got (1) a better understanding of the mutual Evaluation process, including timelines, processes, practical/logistical issues and the central role of the coordinator in ensuring an effective and efficient evaluation process, (2) a better understanding of the requirements of a high quality MEQ that reflects an appreciation of the international AML/CFT standards and which will facilitate a productive and useful assessment process for both authorities and assessors, (3) a draft plan for their mutual evaluation, including identification of key public and private sector stakeholders, and a draft schedule for the on-site mutual evaluation visit.